Beer Label Art- I Love making Illustrations to go with Liquid Art
Sep 10, 2024
Beer is great. Craft Beer is greater! So many breweries around The Finger Lakes are making amazing beers, and the people making those beers are artists. What they make is some of the best art that can be produced- Fun, interesting, accessible and easily consumable art.
A locally made New England IPA is a magical liquid on its own, and I would gladly drink it out of a repurposed home brew bottle. It does make the total product irresistibly attractive when you add awesome can art to the presentation. I spend a long time looking at all the art mounted on shelves in the cooler at my regular bottle shop. I may spend more time in the can gallery than other customers tho. Im often checked on by a store employee. Its hard to chose just one 16oz 4 pack when the illustrations and designs entice me to know more about the art contained inside each unique vessel.
Here are some dudes that are enjoying the fantastic craft beer culture that we have in The Finger Lakes! FLX BEER REVIEWS is the youtube channel I was looking for when I started getting obsessed with beer made in The Finger Lakes. They have a fun time trying diverse styles of brews with a focus on local companies. Their videos are funny and they have great taste in beer/ can art. Check them out!